
Words Per Minute Calculator

How To Use Word per minutes Calculator


I will tell you step by step how to use this calculator.

Let’s see how to use it.

  1. You select your “Word per minutes (wpm)” correctly.
  2. You select your “Slow, Medium, Fast” correctly.
  3. Click on Calculate Button.
  4. Congratulations! You can see your Words Per Minute Results.

How fast can I read (WPM)?

In order to speak properly in front of an audience, you need to understand how your own speaking pace should be. Average speed for speaking English is usually 130WPM.

You can follow this method to check your reading speed or speaking speed like:

  1. Set to 60 minutes,
  2. You start speaking or reading English.
  3. Stop! And see how many words you are using

This simple method will help you choose the speaking speed.

How many words are you using in how many minutes?

A very simple rule can determine how many words you have used or not.

For example: If you spoke in 10 minutes and your average speed is 130WPM, how many words did you use?

Number of words = WPM * Time

= 130*10

= 1300 words

Then we can easily calculate how many words we have used in how many minutes by this formula. And using our word per minute calculator will improve time and quality of life

Charts for WPM speech , podcast, radio, simple speech, fast, slow , medium or other speech ratio ?

Normal Speech/Presentation:

Range: 120-150 WPM

This is the typical speed for everyday conversation and presentations.


Range: 150-160 WPM

Podcasts often aim for a slightly faster pace to maintain listener engagement.

Radio Broadcasting:

Range: 150-180 WPM

Radio hosts may vary their speed based on the format and target audience.

Slow Speech:

Range: 100-120 WPM

Used for emphasis, clarity, or when speaking to an audience that may have difficulty understanding faster speech.

Fast Speech:

Range: 180-200+ WPM

Used for energetic presentations, advertisements, or when conveying a sense of urgency.

Medium Speech:

Range: 150-170 WPM

Strikes a balance between the clarity of slow speech and the engagement of fast speech.

It’s important to note that these are general guidelines, and the optimal WPM can vary based on factors such as the speaker’s natural pace, the audience’s familiarity with the topic, and the overall context of the communication. Additionally, individual preferences and cultural norms can influence what is considered an appropriate speaking speed.

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